More Matt Beckwiths Than You Can Shake A Stick At

Believe it or not.... I am not the only Matt Beckwith !!! Since my first time on the internet, I have always looked up other people that share my name... I know its weird but hey, that's the beauty of the 'net.

If your name is Matt Beckwith drop me a line and say hello.  If you want your picture/description removed from my site, just send me an e-mail, but you have to ask nicely.






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from Montana Tech U [click here]



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Click here to read more about this Matt Beckwith


Click here to see what this Matt Beckwith does



Mat Beckwith from Good Ol' Down Under!

Matt Beckwith

Matt Beckwith

Dr. Matt Beckwith



Other Matt Beckwith's on the Net! ~ Matt Beckwith on the Walton's

That's right... here it is... the page dedicated to all of the other Matt Beckwiths out there.  So, check back often... If you are a Matt Beckwith with pictures to share, or if you know of a Matt Beckwith (and who doesn't know a Matt Beckwith or two), send me an e-mail or ask Matt to send me a link and some pictures.

I Know! It's Been a While

... well, only a month! But what a month indeed, December flew by... ChristmasEve and New Years have passed... what a fast year. Nothing rings in the new year quite like the G&M combo birthday party! So, check out the picture pages... there's plenty of catching up to do. So, first, Merry Christmaspage0_1 page0_2 page0_3 and nothin' says Christmas like new babies... there's plenty of pics of Audrey... since she just loves having a camera in front of her... she's such happy baby... probably because she is always thinking about her favorite uncle (Matt) and aunt (Dawn).

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Also... what's Christmas without a kid in a box... here's another niece, 'lizabeth, fitting nicely in a box that Santa brought. page0_7 Happy Birthday Gianna & Maryssa... cool party.... glad you're old uncles and cousins got to hang out, too. page0_8


Hockey in Stockton?

Given the choice between soccer and hockey, we’d take soccer. Add arena football to the equation and we’d take that every day of the week. We really enjoyed going to Ports games at the old park but fell in love with the new ballpark on the waterfront. This made sense.

Hockey, though? In Stockton?

Well, we decided to go the second game at the arena tonight and let me tell you, we are cynics no more!

The Stockton Thunder is, hands down, the best entertainment value in Stockton. We have never watched hockey before but quickly caught on. Even the girls loved the game. At the end of the second period we got up to leave. That was, until the couple sitting next to us educated us. We had no idea there was three periods.

Throughout the final period, Emily and Makenzy were on their feet, cheering on their new favorite team.

I can tell we’re going to be seeing a lot more of these guys. The play is awesome. The entertainment is great. The crowds are better than anything else in Stockton.

This is exactly what Stockton has been begging for.

Now given the choice, we’ll take hockey every day!

Kudos to Dan Chapman for putting together another winner!

Go Thunder!

Jaguars Tourney - Galt

The Stockton Jaguars played a tournament in Galt this weekend. Saturday's game was early and brrrrr cold... it was the closest to sub-zero we get in this area... the ground was like ice! Sadly, they lost all three games... but they are now hungry for revenge... especially since they lost to Turlock and Modesto... two teams they had never lost to this year! More tourneys in January in Pleasanton... and they are itchin' to get back to where there were before... 2nd place in the Roseville Tournament and 1st in the Stockton Tournament.page0_11 page0_12



Happy Thanksgiving

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! What a great Thanksgiving... great food, hanging out with the family. Some of the boys went over to the high school and tried to prove who could kick the longest field goal, even though none of us had any real experience kicking a football. Check out pictures here.page0_13

Some of the cousins... wow... these girls are getting older and older!


Go Jaguars!

The Stockton Jaguars ended their regular season recently with two impressive wins against Turlock and Ceres. Now it is tourney time! These girls, some of who have played together for many years, played very well this year and we are looking forward to some tough soccer in December and January. We lost some pretty tough games but won some really killer games. We may be biased but Dawn and I think that this team has the best group of girls in our league. Check out pictures of the season here.page0_15Don't mess with Stockton!

page0_16 page0_17 page0_18 page0_19 Nice header, Emily! Way to go Jaguars... and thanks to the coaches... Frank, Fernando and Alberto!!! page0_201-2-3-GO JAGUARS!