I Know! It's Been a While
/... well, only a month! But what a month indeed, December flew by... Christmas, Eve and New Years have passed... what a fast year. Nothing rings in the new year quite like the G&M combo birthday party! So, check out the picture pages... there's plenty of catching up to do. So, first, Merry Christmas
and nothin' says Christmas like new babies... there's plenty of pics of Audrey... since she just loves having a camera in front of her... she's such happy baby... probably because she is always thinking about her favorite uncle (Matt) and aunt (Dawn).
Also... what's Christmas without a kid in a box... here's another niece, 'lizabeth, fitting nicely in a box that Santa brought.
Happy Birthday Gianna & Maryssa... cool party.... glad you're old uncles and cousins got to hang out, too.