Kayne West, John Kerry and Faith Hill
/What does Faith Hill have in common with Kayne West or John Kerry? Well, if you were watching the CMA Award show last night it was apparent that she has stolen the playbook of one of them. As we watched the announcement of the female vocalist of the year (I already knew it was Carrie Underwood because I cheated and looked online) it was very clear that Faith Hill blew up when her name wasn't called for the award.
Now, in the aftermath, her manager is saying that it was all a joke. A joke? Like Kerry's recent blunder about "getting stuck in Iraq", she should leave the jokes to the professionals (just as MarkDayComedy said in a recent YouTube spot).
So, was she really ticked about Carrie winning? If so, I would have liked to see a good ol' fashioned cat fight on TV... at least then there wouldn't be a debate about how she really felt.
If you've not seen the clip from last night's show, check out these videos and give me your verdict.
video#1 (the best view) video#2 video#3