Business Leadership Summit

Yesterday, Dawn and I attended the 12th annual Business Leadership Summit in Downtown Stockton. After last year’s first one at the Bob Hope Theatre the organizers did a much better job with crowd control, especially during the intermissions. This year’s event featured Cal Thomas and Bob Beckel from Common Ground, Ann Rhoades, former Executive Vice President at JetBlue Airways and President and People Ink. It was her early days at Southwest Airlines that intrigued me the most. She told a story about a woman that really wanted to interview with Herb Kelleher so she sent him a bottle of Wild Turkey (purportedly his favorite) with her resume attached. She got the job.

The internet famous Chris Bliss gave an okay monologue and ended with his amazing juggling to the Beatles.

After hearing Rudy Guliani last year, and former British Prime Minister John Major a couple of years before that, I was a little disappointed to hear that this year’s headliner would be Terry Bradshaw. That disapointment vanished the moment he walked on the stage. Mr. Bradshaw gave an exciting and invigorating speech about his life, his marital problems and his love of the Pittsburgh Steelers.

After the summit, Dawn and I walked down to Yasoo Yani’s for dinner. Two things I love about Stockton in one evening.