23. Gillian Murphy - January 14, 2010

Welcome to Podcast Stockton, episode 23. In this episode:

A couple of items from the news: The spring semester at Delta College is full. 99 Days to Asparagus festival. Burned Stockton Fire captain helps other survivorsWomens Center Gets $238K For Additional Staff

The Record's 55-Word Writing Contest. Michael Fitzgerald's annual writing writing contest is here again. Rod and I are going to submit something, you should, too. Deadline is 5:00 PM Wednesday 1/20/10.

Review of Submarina on West Lane. They are located at 7860 West Lane and can be reached at 209-594-1641. Follow them on Twitter @SubmarinaWestLn and check out there website, SubMarina.com.

The browser wars. What browsers do our listeners prefer? Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari? Brower Market Share, Usage, Top 5 Browsers from Dec 08 - Jan 10, Browser Statistics.

An interview with Gillian Murphy from the Small Business Development Center at San Joaquin Delta College. Rod recently sat down with Gillian Murphy to learn more about the Small Business Development Center.

What's new on Closetgoodies.com

Wes's Stockton activities guide. Go to VisitStockton.org to sign up for the weekly events e-mail and follow @Stockton_CVB on Twitter and on Facebook.

Next week, we're talking about the upcoming Apple announcement on January 26. Rumors point to a new tablet Mac. What do you think?

Until next time, make it great Stockton!
