Primavera Century

On Sunday, Mike and I rode the Primavera Century. We got an early start out of Stockton and pulled in to the parking lot in Union City a couple of minutes after 7 AM. I rode the 100 mile route in 2005 but Mike and I decided to ride the 100k. Mike and I both immediatley noticed that all of the departing riders were wearing long pants. We both neglected to bring long pants. "We'll be fine." I kept saying. We checked in quickly, got our 100k route sheet and headed out! We caught up with a couple of guys from Alamo and had a few good laughs as we rolled through Union City, Fremont and Milpitas. It was a little chilly outside but I was pretty happy that I didn't over dress for the day.

After the first rest stop and just as we approached the first climb at Calaveras road we saw a couple of guys riding fixed gear bikes. Wow, those fixies are amazing! These guys were easily 20 years older than me and were in amazing shape! Mike stayed with me for a minute or so until I punched ahead. I felt great and was happy to be climbing again! I waited for Mike at the top and we headed back down the other side together.

As we got to Sunol I was feeling great. I still ride a triple (52/42/30) but have been considering converting to a double for some time. After climbing very well up Calaveras in my middle ring I told myself that I would avoid the smallest ring all day.

About 30 minutes before Mike and I rolled in to the Sunol rest stop I got a text message from Dan on Twitter. Oh what fun Twitter is. I only recently decided to jump on the Twitter bandwagon, thanks to David at the FredCast (the internet's premiere cycling podcast!). I love Twitter and have been playing around with tracking keywords via text message. Besides tracking 'Stockton' and 'Lodi' I also started tracking 'Primavera' a couple of days before this ride. All I got was a bunch of stuff in Spanish and had to eventually untrack it. It was my tracking of 'Pleasanton' that introduced me to Dan. This guy flew through the 100k course! His stats were incredible... gave me chills reading it.

After a slight climb up Dublin Canyon and the final rest stop we approached my favorite part of this ride: Palomares Road. Here's a pic of the view in front of me. Palomares Road

This climb was tough but I was able to keep it in the middle ring the whole way up. Again, I felt really good on this climb and marched up the hill gritting my teeth and sweating bullets the whole way. When I got near the top the other riders that were waiting and cheering helped me crest the top. As soon as I could see the top, I stood up and pushed to the top. I waited for a few minutes and then went down about a mile or so to find Mike. I was happy to find him working hard to get to the top and after letting him rest for a a brief spell, I paced him up to the top. Mike often kills me on the flats but will freely admit climbing is not his strength. Given that, I was amazed at his perceiverance and proud that he pushed to get to the top the way he did.

Here's the top of Palomares looking down on the road I took to get here. IMG_0855

On the back side of Palomares, I flew down and enjoyed the prize of a fast descent, topping at 35 MPH! It was a good ride back in to Union City. After we loaded the bikes up we headed to the school for the post-ride meal. I was dissapointed with the food here. The food was just ok but was craving a Pepsi. I normally don't drink soda but have been used to a post-ride pop. Not at this ride. Water, gatorade, lemonade and instant tea (yuk!) were the only options. The lasagna was good but the bread and brownies could have doubled for hockey pucks.

All in all, I really enjoyed this ride. Very clear road markings and decent rest stops. A very, very nice course with great views and awesome hills. Check out the few pics I took here.

Final stats: 64.8 miles / 13.4 MPH

Primavera next year? Absolutely! Maybe I'll even do the 100 miles again. Next big ride - The Delta Century (100 mile).

Check out Dan's blog entry here.

Stockton Thunder game

Mike and I went to game three of the ECHL playoffs last night to watch the Stockton Thunder square off against the Las Vegas Wranglers. The Thunder took an early lead with the first goal and then even got up to a 0-3 advantage. The cheers were quieted by the end of regulation when the Wranglers scored three unanswered goals of their own. We played a tough OT period but just couldn't score, even with a couple of power plays! The Wrangler finally put us out of our misery with less than a minute left on the clock. The Thunder are now down 3-1 and need another win to stay alive. Check out the pics here. 2426042330_495a14ba92

I also took a couple of videos. The first one is the of the first goal scored of the game, the second one is one of a flying puck (not sure how well that comes across on YouTube). Picture 8 Picture 13

Happy Birthday Sashi

Happy 4th Birthday to the youngest member of our household. Sashi Noir Beckwith turns 4 years old today. It seems like only yesterday when Dawn and the girls took me to see her. "Just come see her, Dad" said Emily. "If you don't like her we don't have to bring her home" Makenzy added. Well, we all went to see her and it worked... there was no way I was telling them no.

Sashi_Noir_Beckwith_Sashi_061704_14-2 June 2004

P6070036_Sashi_061704_07-2 It isn't just Sashi that is growing up fast... look at the girls!

DSC03868-2 Look at her now... at four years old.

Happy birthday Sashi!

Deal or No Deal

When Mike and I found out that Deal or No Deal auditions were coming to the Sacramento area we knew exactly what we had to do. So, I believe, for the first time in our adult life, we dressed alike (just like twins do) and headed up the Folsom. After nearly seven hours in live, we finally got our 15 seconds to sell ourselves. We did enough to get past the second round, which afforded us the opportunity to wait for another hour or so for a second round of interviews - again another 15 seconds to shine. Although our presentation was pretty good, our audition ended there with a "don't call us, we'll call you".

Our sister was also there and was give three interviews. She already promised us that we'd get to be her supporters if she gets on the show. Good luck Missy!

At least we got to round two!


Click here for the pictures.

Happy Easter

Easter came early this year, and the awesome spring weather joined it. With JR, Megan and the rest of the Texas Beckwiths in town (well, in state is more like it) we had lots of opportunities for pictures. Easter turned into a three-day weekend celebration with everyone meeting at the Havens house on Friday, then our house on Saturday and then our annual Easter bash on Sunday. Check out our pics here. Friday 2353495154_c681a3f6d0

Saturday 2354539283_b9f5e561c1

Sunday 2356823058_90c59ddf60

Remember, bookmark our Flickr site as we sometimes publish random pictures between events.

I Love Bad Grammar (When Someone Else Uses It)

I should clarify. I find humor in signs that display grammatical or spelling errors. I'm no Mignon Fogarty but I do recognize errors when they are blatant. So, today, while walking down the Miracle Mile, I got quite the chuckle when I saw a sign in the window of a salon that had this word in it. keeped

What exactly did the sign say? Click here to check out the rest of the picture on Flickr. While you're there, or should I say, while your their, check out the rest of the pictures posted in the Grammar Girl pool.

Happy Birthday Makenzy

Makenzy turned 9 last weekend which meant that she got more parties and more cake than any child needs. Last weekend, on her actual birthday we ordered her favorite take-out (DaVinci's), rented a movie (The Last Mimzy) and had cake. Then, this weekend, she had two more parties. First, Makenzy and some of her friends were treated like princesses at Panda Girlz. The folks at Panda Girlz really put on a great party for Mak and her friends. Hair, make-up, nails, followed by a fashion show, karoake and crafts made for one of Makenzy's favorite parties ever. If you have daughters you should check this place out.


Party number two was pizza for the family and our favorite family pizza joint where the kids (and some of the adults) quickly went through handfuls of tokens on the redemption games. I wonder if the major casinos help fund the redemption game manufactures, to help turn today's youth into tomorrow's slot machine addicted gamblers.

Check out today's pictures here.

My First Solo Century

This coming July will mark my fifth year riding. When I looked at how many miles I had in late December I realized I was almost at 8,000 (yes, I log every ride). Looking at nearly 8,000 miles in four and a half years was a painful reminder that I have spent too much time off the saddle. Given that I rode 3,000 miles in my first year, I should be closer to 10,000 miles. With 2,200 miles to go, that became my newest riding goal - hit 10,000 miles by my fifth anniversary in July. In order to do that I would need to ride at a rate higher than I ever have. With 100 miles already logged this week I left this morning a little after 10 intent to set a new weekly record. I left with every intent of riding my first solo century. I have ridden several local centuries and even joined some friends for an unorganized century or two but have never ventured out on my own for a 100 mile ride.

I headed south to Tracy and of course was met with the nasty wind that makes riding the flats out here feel like climbing. In this picture, I'm headed south on Tracy Boulevard, taking advantage of a cross tail wind. Easily staying at about 20 MPH with a cadence of 90. IMG_0564

I had a nice tail wind through Banta and out Kasson Road easily holding 25 for the whole 7.5 miles to Airport Way. That's when I hit the head wind and nasty cross wind. I would have it all the way home, except for the short parts through the Weston Ranch and Brookside loops.

This was my most productive week, 200 miles, and so far this month (8 days into it) I have more miles than any of the last 17 months.

Check out the rest of the pictures from today's ride here.

Happy Birthday Kelsie with Mimi and Ralph

Today, we went to Vacaville to Pietro's Pizza to celebrate Kelsie's 6th birthday and to spend some time with Mimi and Ralph. It was great to see Mimi and Ralph. He was in great form and seemed to really enjoy having everyone there visiting with him. Here's a picture of everyone with Ralph. Not sure why Makenzy isn't smiling. familywithralph

Click here for the rest of the pictures.