Grand Opening of Pizza Go Here


1:16 a.m. PDT, May 13, 2007

STOCKTON, California (AP) - The Beckwith Family - Matt, Dawn, Emily and Makenzy, have announced the grand opening of their newest website, Pizza Go Here - a family podcast.  Nearly 10 years after they started sharing family news and pictures on the world wide web they have jumped on the podcast bandwagon.

"We are so excited to be podcasters" said 8 year old Makenzy.  A sentiment that was echoed by her older sister Emily.

Matt said, "The name, Pizza Go Here, came from a famous slip-up my Mom uttered years ago so we thought it fitting to make our announcement on Mother's Day."

Pizza Go Here has already received praise from the handful of select friends, family and other podcasters that were given a recent sneak preview.

The show will feature Emily's joke and video of the week, Mak's Mac tip as well as other random thoughts.  The podcast will also feature their "Would You Rather" question.

"We hope that all our friends and family subscribe to the podcast and we hope to get some new listeners as well" said Dawn.

For years you've had and  Pizza Go Here is a new way to experience this whacky family from California's heartland.  "It's like pizza for your ears!" proclaimed Matt.

Visit Pizza Go Here online at  If you have no idea what a podcast is or need help subscribing, send an e-mail to or call the Pizza Go Here listener line at 206-309-1631.

Download the show promo here.

Asparagus Festival 2007

Nothing says late April in Stockton like the long green spears of asparagus everywhere! Well, not everyone in our family likes asparagus but still enjoy going to the festival. Just the girls and I went this time and only stayed a few hours. Watching the competitive eating event was pretty cool... even though they were eating deep fried asparagus! kidsasparagus

We even got to see Tyson, the skateboarding bulldog do what he does best.

Check out the pics here.

Nickel Creek Farewell For Now

Dawn and I saw Nickel Creek in San Francisco last night. It was an awesome show. They played a lot of their hits, including The Fox, The House Carpenter and Reasons Why. Even though I was bummed that they didn't play Lighthouse Tale it was still an awesome show. It was the first time either one of us had been to the Warfield which was a perfect venue for these guys. It's hard to believe that they have been playing music together for 18 years. Even though they are officially going on an "indefinite hiatus", I'd be surprised if they didn't get back together in a few years. It'll be interesting to see what solo work come from Chris and Sarah.


A short clip of The Fox.

A short clip of Smoothie Song.

Check out the (some are blurry) pics here.


Manager Tools Conference

I arrived at my hotel in Dulles, Virginia a little while ago. I am here this week attending the Manager Tools Effective Manager Conference. I have been listening to M-T for a year and a half or so and am very excited to be here for this event.

If you are a manager (or hope to be one soon) I highly recommend listening to Manager Tools. Putting their teachings into practice will absolutely have a tremendously positive effect on your career (as well as those on your team).

4/20/07 update



What a great two days. Without question, the most valuable conference I have ever attended. Mark and Mike, along with Michael, Cathy, Travis and Laura perfectly planned every detail of this entire event. Mark and Mike took us through the details of the management trinity and spent countless hours allowing the 100 attendees to pick their brains.

I met a lot of other managers from a vast array of industries and from all over the world. It was great to see that no matter what the background, industry or continent, management is management is management.

Mostly Trivial

I am a self-professed podcast junky. One of my favorite podcasts is Mostly Trivial, with your host Johnee Bee. After doing some research on the penny-farthing bike I bought recently, I decided to pitch some trivia questions to the show. I was driving home from work, listening to podcasts, and Mostly Trivial started to play. I was blown away when Johnee Bee introduced the category as 'bicycles'. I'm practically famous! Finally, I knew all of the questions. If you haven't listened to Mostly Trivial, give it a try. It is a short, very well produced weekly show.

Check out the episode I contributed to here.

Click here for Mostly Trivial on iTunes.


Happy Easter

With JR and his family making the trek from Texas, Tony and his coming down from The Property and Lance even showing up, we had a great Easter at the house. Of course, that means everyone wanted a picture of all the kids... Ken, Lance, Tony, Mike, Me, JR and Missy... all in the same place... that doesn't happen too often. easterhomekids

Of course, there were cameras galore.

Click here for our pics.

Mike's pics.

Also, check out our Easter pics from years past 200620052004 /2002

Happy Easter!