The Gass Visit

Jim, Natalie and the girls made it up to Stockton this weekend so what better way to party than to rock out at Fred's house! Even Linda and her boys came by! mmjsk

Jim, Fred and I rocked out for a while (although I don't think we ever made it through an entire song) and even got some help by 15 year old Chris who was playing a great 5-string bass.


Check out the pictures here.

I think there might've been some video taken as well... Mik & KW, if you took any good videos send me the link!

*** update *** Check out Mike's pics and Ken's pics, too.

Snow Time

The Beckwith and Havens families had a blast up in Soda Springs this weekend. We had a great cabin and the weather was awesome - clear skies and no wind (until Sunday). There was also a great areafor the kids to go tubin' and for me to get a few runs on the snowboard. sodaspringslift1 sodaspringslift2


Emily, Makenzy and Junior getting ready to go out on Saturday. Check out the pictures from this weekend here.

Goodbye Mr. Serna

We got the news on Tuesday that we lost a dear family friend. Jim Serna had passed away. I have known Jim and his family ever since I can remember and will always remember him as a dedicated husband, father and grandfather. Some of our greatest memories of Jim come from the several recent Extravaganzas that we attended (especially the "in case of emergency, break glass" shirt he wore back in 2004 - I have no idea why that stands out to me but it does). Jim, and his family, were also so very gracious to my family after losing my Mom and Ty and I will always be grateful for that.

Our thoughts and love go out to Patti and the rest of their wonderful family. Jim will be missed a great deal.

js_extravaganza_02 Extravaganza 2002 - Georgetown

Macworld San Francisco

My first trip to Macworld was great! We had an absolute blast at the expo and afterward at the Mac Podcasters meet up. Check out the piece I wrote for the Typical Mac User Podcast ( The non-Mac highlight of the day had to be meeting Sinbad. He is a true Mac fan and it was great to talk to him about his thoughts on the iPhone.


Check out the pics here.