Are You Exempt? Don't Talk About Hours
/If you are an exempt employee (you are not paid an hourly rate, and you are exempt from overtime laws) don't talk about hours. Don't talk about hours in your resume, cover letter, or interview. Why?
Read MoreIf you are an exempt employee (you are not paid an hourly rate, and you are exempt from overtime laws) don't talk about hours. Don't talk about hours in your resume, cover letter, or interview. Why?
Read MoreSo, I covered phone interview tips before, but I'm going to add another one. How you answer the phone matters.
Read MoreYesterday, I wrote about some interview mistakes I've seen recently. Remember, the goal of the interview is to get an offer, or at least to get another interview. In other words, you don't want to be ruled out as a candidate just based on how you performed during the interview.
Read MoreSince the middle of December, I have conducted over fifty interviews for several back-office positions. Many were memorable. Many more were memorable for the wrong reasons.
Read MoreSo, you're out there interviewing and, even though you still have interviews scheduled, you accept a job offer. Of course, that is a good problem to have. But now what do you do about the interviews that are already scheduled?
Well, for starters, if you've not started the job, there is no reason to turn your back on the interviews with the other companies.
But if you do, here's how to do it.
Reach out to the person with whom you were going to interview. As is usually the case, a phone call works better than an e-mail. Thank them for the opportunity and graciously decline the interview. Don't beat around the bush. Thank them and tell them you won't be available to interview.
If you were working with a recruiter, they deserve a call as well.
Leaving a good impression is important, even if you're saying no.
I heard once that a woman need only look at the way her boyfriend treats his mother to see how he may treat her someday. The same thing applies to candidates in an interview.
When I am interviewing a candidate, I want to imagine them doing the job for which I am interviewing. I want to imagine how they would behave not just in the specific job, but as a member of our team. I want to know that they'll be part of the team even when things aren't going perfectly, and will accept responsibility for their part. And I want someone that will be proud to be part of the team.
One easy way to give the interviewer the impression that you are not part of the team is to use "they" in place of "we".
For example: an interviewer may ask you about the type of business your current employer is in. There is a big difference between, "They are a widget manufacturer that specializes in polymer widgets" and "We are a widget manufacturer, specializing is polymer widgets".
Pay attention to when you're using "their", "them", or "they". Oftentimes, using "our", "us", or "we" can come across more inclusive.
The first line of this article on Yahoo caught my attention.
Could handshakes become a thing of the past?
Thankfully, the author quickly points out that handshakes are still important. But just in case you came across this article and, based on the first sentence alone, thought that handshakes are falling out of fashion, they are not!
If you don't have a genuine medical reason not to shake hands, you need to shake hands with everyone you meet throughout the interview process.
And your handshake should be firm, but it's not a strength competition. And ladies, your handshake is just like a gentleman's: firm and with the entire inside of your hand, not just your fingers.
One of the most effective exercises you can do in your job-search preparation is to go through everything you write and everything you may say in an interview and ask "why is that important?" Scrutinize every word you may write and ask yourself why it is important to the hiring manager? That's the important part. Why is it important to the hiring manager? It doesn't matter if it's important to you, just to the hiring manager.
For instance, you may have included on your resume a training program that you completed at a job 10 years ago, on a program used only in that company. Why would that be important to the hiring manager? Ok, I'll give you the answer to this one: it probably isn't.
If you can re-word it to put the focus of the importance on what the employer wants than it should stay, otherwise, toss it out.
One week ago today, we sat in front of our computer and watched history be made. Felix Baumgartner jumped out of his balloon-lifted capsule from over 24 miles up in the air.
It took only around eight minutes for the professional skydiver and daredevil to reach the ground. But just as exciting for me was the fact that it took two and a half hours to ascend to the edge of space (not to mention the months and months of planning leading up to that).
As Baumgartner approached the jump height, retired United States Air Force Colonel Joe Kittinger went through their checklist. Kittinger, now the previous record holder, was the only one from mission control that spoke to Baumgartner. Some of the items in the checklist seemed basic, but they still went through each item.
Item 29, release the seat belt.
Item 32, disconnect chest chord umbilical.
Before the jump, Kittinger said, "Release the helmet tie down strap. Start the cameras. And our guardian angel will take care of ya."
Before he stepped out of the capsule, Baumgartner said, "I know the whole world is watching now. I wish they could see what I can see. Sometimes you have to get up really high to see how small you are. I'm coming home now."
And with that, he fell toward earth.
And what can this amazing feat remind us about looking for a job?
For more information, and some videos from last Sunday, check out these links:
Now that the first presidential debate is a thing of the past and out of our minds (yeah, right) it seems safe to tackle the debate performance of President Obama and Governor Romney. To begin with, I am not taking sides here. The point I am going to make has nothing to do with what either of the men said last Wednesday at the University of Denver.
So, politics aside, let's talk about body language.
Most of the headlines I read in the days following this debate seemed to declare Romney as the winner. If you read below the headlines you'll see there was a lot of commentary about the two men's body language.
Obama did not smile as much, and at times seemed to avoid eye contact with Romney. Comparatively, Romney smiled more and seemed more confident throughout the debate.
Body language isn't just important to those vying to be the president of the US, it's important to you during an interview. Keep these thing in mind:
Interviewing for a job is nothing like squaring off against an opponent in a political debate, but last week's performance should be a good reminder of the importance of body language.
If you're eligible to vote but have not yet registered, there's still time. Visit
I grew up hearing "early is on-time and on-time is late". So, if that means it's best to show up early to an interview, then showing up really early is even better! Right?
No, not at all.
Unless you have been specifically instructed to show up earlier, 10 minutes early is fine, never more than 15 minutes.
When you show up earlier than that, you might actually be a disruption to the the people with which you'll be interviewing. Additionally, the recruiter may be spacing candidates so they don't meet in the lobby.
This does not mean that you shouldn't arrive at the location of the interview earlier. Always make sure you leave in plenty of time to get their early, accounting for any traffic issues. If you planned on traffic and there was none, you'll likely get there earlier than the recommended 10 minutes. If that's the case, stay in your car until it gets closer to your scheduled interview time.
Today's post is written by my friend Wes Johnson. Wes has been a Toastmaster since February 2011. He continues to sharpen his skills through participation in a weekly morning club in Tracy. He is chartering an evening club that meets in Manteca at 7 PM on the first and third Mondays of each month.
The newly unemployed have a few challenges before them.
Every day Matt has a blog post that covers one of these areas. Some of these challenges may take a little time to achieve. So, what are you going to do in the meantime?
I’m going to use the analogy of a precision cutting tool. A tool designed to cut material should be straight and sharp. If that tool is not kept sharp, it will eventually become dull and perceived as useless. Does that mean it’s useless? No, it’s a tool that could still be useful, if only someone would sharpen it and start using it again.
You are that tool. You need to ensure that your edge remains sharp. One aspect of employment is communication. No matter what your position was, communication will always be an important aspect of the job. Employers love employees or perspective employees who communicate well with all levels of staff as well as their customers.
So, how are you going to sharpen your communication skills? Let me share my story with you.
A few years ago, I found myself unemployed in the middle of the Great Recession. I felt like a tool that was left out in the rain; neglected, and without a place to stay sharp. I found a group to network with, which was nice, but I was still missing something. It seemed like there was no challenge or purpose in my life.
Fortunately, a networking connection introduced me to Toastmasters, a non-profit educational organization that was committed to helping people improve their communication and leadership skills. They help their members improve through constant practice and feedback.
From day one, I felt at home with the group. In the program you receive two project books. One book covers communication projects and the other book covers leadership projects. Each project is intended to teach or sharpen a skill. With each project completed, you receive an evaluation and suggestions for improvement.
Once you complete the basic projects, there are many other project books that focus on many different aspects of communication. (Speaking to Inform, Technical Presentations, Facilitating Discussions, Communicating on Video, Interpersonal Communication, etc.)
After I had been in the program for a few months, fellow members shared with me that they noticed a remarkable improvement in my listening and speaking skills. When your skills are sharp, you naturally have more confidence in yourself and your ability to communicate with others regardless of the situation.
Several months after joining Toastmasters, I was given a chance to interview for one of two open positions. It was not a one-on-one interview but a panel interview. The interview wasn’t easy, but all the practice and feedback I had received through Toastmasters prepared me to respond to their interview questions in a brief and organized manner. The day after the interview they offered me the position.
I know without a doubt that if it hadn’t been for Toastmasters, I would probably not have landed the job.
I will be a Toastmaster for life.
That’s a great story, but how will that help me in my situation?
The employers are looking for sharp and useful tools. They’re looking for someone with excellent communication skills. You need to be better than your competition. Train yourself for when the opportunity presents itself. The time to do it is now.
Toastmasters International helps the job-seeker practice/develop skills:
To find a club near you visit
For more information, e-mail
I don't like quoting bad advice, and I really don't like linking to bad advice. But this is a common piece of bad advice and I'm afraid that some job seekers may actually believe it. Want to improve your odds of getting a job offer? Help a prospective employer solve their problem. That means what the interview wants is more important that what the interviewee wants.
Yet still, an "expert" actually wrote that what the hiring manager wants is less important than what the candidate wants them to hear.
You also need to shift from what a hiring manager wants to hear in an interview to what you want the hiring manager to hear in an interview.
This is not only patently offensive to the hiring process, but, can hurt your chances of getting an offer. Part of the problem with this advice is that it can lead job seekers to focus all of their preparation efforts on getting their message across. Recruiters and hiring managers want to learn about you, so you should have some key points you'd like to get across, but your priority is still to answer the questions asked of you.
Trying to outsmart the interviewer may just tick them off. Not a good strategy for trying to get a job offer. What the interviewer wants to hear is important. Answer their questions first.
We all make mistakes. Some mistakes can cost us our job. Many do not. But very few of us ever have the opportunity to perform our job in front of millions of people.
There can be many opportunities to talk about prior mistakes in an interview. Sometimes it comes in the form a question that sounds like, "Tell me about a mistake you've made at work..." Chances are that the interviewers only know what you tell them about these mistakes (unless you were a replacement official in the NFL). Don't try to outsmart them by saying you have made no mistakes. That sounds a lot like saying you have no weaknesses.
Of course you've made a mistake. Own up to it. You'll need to describe what you've done differently since making that mistake. In other words, what you learned. Don't get caught off guard by a question about a prior mistake. Prepare a list of mistakes you've made before your interview.
Thankfully, the official debacle in the NFL is over. It was announced late last night that the replacement refs have called their last game. Tonight, when the Browns take the field against the Ravens, the boys in black and white will be the regular ones. I wonder how long it will be before we realize that even the pro refs make mistakes.
What in the world does that even mean? Who knows. But if you're a desk-jockey, it is likely that you have heard these terms. It is also possible that you have drank the kool-aid and actually used them.
Alright, enough of the buzzwords.
I've seen many cover letters and resumes lately full of buzzwords like the ones in the title of this post. I've even heard quite a few during interviews.
Buzzwords, idioms, and metaphors, can help us communicate. To be most effective, however, you need a commonality with the person you're talking to. And that's where the problem is. Most of the time, you don't have the familiarity with the interviewer to use buzzwords.
The greater risk is that the hiring manager may think you're using creative language to hide the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about. Use everyday language during the interview. For me, I use the teenager test, since we just happen to have a 13 year old in the house. I asked her if she knew what "low hanging fruit", "herding cats", and "mindshare" were. Of course, she did not. But when I described what they meant in regular language, she completely understood.
So, dump the buzzwords.
There can be an exception to the rule.
If you're interviewing with someone that uses a lot of buzzwords, not just an occasional one, then it might be okay to use them sparingly. Even then, it is still better to avoid buzzwords altogether.
Few things can frighten a candidate quite like the words "panel interview". A typical panel interview has three interviewers and one candidate. Of course, there can be other variations, but it is nearly always one candidate in front of multiple interviewers, which is why it can sometimes feel like standing before a firing squad.
Performing well in a panel interview is a little different from performing well in a regular, one-on-one, interview. Here are six keys to remember:
Of course, as with any interview, you should follow up with each of the interviewers individually to thank them for the interview.
Good luck!
You have worked hard to get an interview, don't blow it by making these common mistakes.
Commit one of these mistakes and your interviewer may immediately decide you are not the right candidate.
Avoid them and you can then focus on impressing the interviewer and getting that offer!
You've undoubtedly heard the saying, "the early bird catches the worm". This is especially true during the job search.
It is best to be first. You want the hiring manager to read your resume first. You want to be interviewed first. Time favors the other candidates.
Read MoreHappy Labor Day! Hopefully you have some interviews lined up this week. If you do, here are five things to do to improve your results. 1. Shake my hand. Even for the ladies, a firm, professional hand shake is customary.
2. Smile. I want to see your personality and no matter the position I am hiring for, being friendly matters.
3. Ask questions.
4. Answer my questions. Don't try to "out-smart" me by half-answering a direct question and then throwing in what you want to say. If you do well enough, you'll have the opportunity to tell me what you want.
5. Ask me for the job. But do so with care. There is a fine line between cocky and confident. Be confident. And if you're sure you've bombed the interview, please skip this one.
Best wishes to you this week in your job search.
Yes, you read that right. You need to send thank you cards. Actual thank you cards. As in, written with a pen, stuffed in an envelope, stamp licked (or stuck), thank you cards.
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In this week's My Job Story, we hear from Jenny-Faye Klooster, a Photo Stylist who runs the photography department for Gibson Overseas, a large kitchenware company, a job she has held for almost four years.
Do you want to differentiate yourself from your peers at work? I have a simple suggestion. All you have to do is speak up! That's right. It's time to work on your public speaking skills.
Networking is a terrible verb to describe human interactions. For some people, networking still has that cheesy sounding ring to it. I've spent countless hours reading newspaper and magazine articles, blogs, tweets and Facebook posts from recruiters from all over the country and nearly all of them say that one of the most important job search strategies is networking.
Asking for a referral is important. How you handle that referral is even more important. If you want to work at XYZ Company and you know someone that works there, you should ask them to refer you to a hiring manager. Ideally, your contact will make a personal introduction, or copy you on an e-mail introduction. Sometimes, you'll just get a phone number or e-mail address of the hiring manager.
Even if you've been without a job for some time, it is generally best not to settle for a job that you may not enjoy. Having said that, there are a couple of questions you should ask yourself when evaluating a job, or when determining what companies to target.
A job fair can be an effective way to meet hiring managers and recruiters in your community and learn about many job opportunities in one day. If you are prepared and use your time wisely, you can walk away with many strong job leads. Many job seekers make careless mistakes that can hurt their chances of success at a job fair. Here are 16 simple tips to make your next job fair a success.